CALL: (800)-834-CAMP (2267) TEXT: 516-242-1548

FREE Advisory Service for Summer Programs for Children and Teens
We are a free summer camp matchmaking service, with 40 years of experience, specializing in children and teens!
Starting your journey to camp?
Let us find your perfect summer fit!!
We focus on sleep-away camps, teen tours, pre-college programs, community service, and more!
Personalize Your Summer

Let us be your Summer Camp Matchmakers! Selecting a camp should not be left to chance or hearsay!
We will make finding that perfect summer program a fun and easy experience!

Who We Are
est. 1984
Simply stated, we spend ten months of the year anticipating what is the most amazing time of the year...the golden summer months, filled with fun, excitement, and new experiences. Since 1984, we have partnered with thousands of families resulting in extraordinary "10 for 2" memories...
The Camp Connection takes pride in the deep relationships we have with hundreds of select programs, not only in the northeast US but across the country and worldwide.
Contact Us
Main Office - New York
Laurel Barrie, Norm Barrie
Melissa Cohen, Sloane Barrie
516-822-2267; 1-800-834-2267
TEXT US: 516-242-1548
Westchester Office
Susan Pecker
Florida Office
Ronni Bergman